Preteen Voices

Puberty is a personal journey, and you are not alone. Check out what other preteens had to say about the human being experience of going through puberty.

My advice: Everyone goes through puberty! Whatever makes you feel embarrassed probably makes someone else embarrassed too! You’re not alone.
its normal to go through puberty don’t be ashamed
what i would say is, its ok you can do it and i will ALWAYS (even if im across the state.) be there for you.
If you are worried don’t be. You have your family and friends will always love you…4-eva!
If you are worried don’t be. You have your family and friends will always love you…4-eva!
Remember, everyone goes through this. You are not the only one! Don’t stop believing in what you think is right. Remember your body is beautiful!
You got this! You’ll get through it. It’s going to be amazing in some ways.
Lean into it and embrace it – it’s a really cool time in your life. And, do a great conversations workshop.
We’re in this together!
Puberty is a human being experience, you got this.
Don’t worry, everyone goes through it and after you’re done, you will feel very accomplished.
Its going to be ok you have me your parents the school nurse and who knows who else and its not the end of the world
I’m going through this too. This happens to everyone so don’t be scared.
be STRONG and BRAVE! you CAN do it